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Tsananguro yeKutumira Nguva YeUdolloll Dhora Dhora


2019-12-27 01:54:13

Tsananguro yeKutumira Nguva YeUdolloll Dhora Dhora

1. High-end TPE dolls: Dollhouse168, piper, doll4ever, capacity increase, can be shipped the same day when there is stock, and delivery will be completed within 3 days of your order.
2. High-end silicone dolls: Sino, Sanhui, because the production process of silicone is complicated, the production time is 10-20 days, and the delivery time is 12-30 days.
3. High-end silicone doll: Artificial GYNOID is currently the world's most advanced production technology, the highest degree of fidelity, the production time takes 20-30 days, so the delivery time is 25-33 days.
4. The normal production time of other TPE dolls is 1-3 days, and the delivery period is 3-8 days.
Note: It is not excluded during the delivery period that individual dolls need to be reworked due to quality problems, and logistics encounter force majeure factors such as bad weather flight delays, customs inspections, etc., these factors may extend the delivery time.

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